22nd October 2024

ಕೇಂದ್ರ ಸರ್ಕಾರ ಮಂಡಿಸಿರುವ 2020-21 ನೇ ಸಾಲಿನ ಮುಂಗಡ ಪತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ 2022 ರೊಳಗೆ ರೈತರ ಆದಾಯ ದುಪ್ಪಟ್ಟು ಮತ್ತು ಉದ್ಯೋಗ ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸಲು ಪ್ರಮುಖವಾಗಿರುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಕೆಳಕಂಡಂತಿದೆ.

ರಾಜ್ಯ ಸರ್ಕಾರವು 30 ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಗಳ ದಿಶಾ ಸಮಿತಿಯ ಸಭೆಯಲ್ಲಿಟ್ಟು ಚರ್ಚಿಸಿ, ಯಾವ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವ ರೀತಿ ಯೋಜನೆ ಕೈಗೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು ಎಂಬ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಪಡೆಯ ಬೇಕಿದೆ.

 ನಂತರ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಮಟ್ಟದ ದಿಶಾ ಸಮಿತಿ ಸಭೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುಮೋದಿಸಿ, ಕೇಂದ್ರದಿಂದ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಗೆ ಅನುದಾನ ಪಡೆಯಲು ಕ್ರಮಕೈಗೊಳ್ಳುವುದು ಅಗತ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ.

22. Our government is committed to the goal of doubling farmers’ incomes by 2022.

We have provided energy sovereignty through KUSUM and input sovereignty through Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana.

We have  provided resilience for 6.11 crores farmers insured under PM Fasal Bima Yojana.

Focus on cultivation of pulses, expansion of micro-irrigation through

Krishi Sinchai Yojana, have raised the self-reliance of the country.

Provision of any annual supplement of the income to the farmer, directly is done through PM-KISAN.

Connectivity through PMGSY, financial inclusion have  helped raise farm incomes.

22 (1). Prosperity to farmers can be ensured by making farming competitive. For this, farm markets need to be liberalised. Distortions in farm and livestock markets need to be removed. Purchase of farm produce, logistics and agri-services need copious investments.

Substantial support  and hand-holding of farm-based activities such as livestock, apiary, and  fisheries need to be provided for. Farmers desire integrated solutions   covering storage, financing, processing and marketing.

23. Adopting sustainable cropping patterns and bringing in more technology are integral to our plan. All this and more can be achieved

through working with and in cooperation with the States.

The following 16 action points indicate our focus:

23 (1). We propose to encourage those State governments who undertake implementation of following model laws already issued by the Central government:

     Model Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2016

     Model Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing

(Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2017;, and 7

c) Model Agricultural Produce and Livestock Contract Farming

and Services (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2018

23 (2). Water stress related issues are now a serious concern across the country. Our government is proposing comprehensive measures for one hundred water stressed districts.

23 (3). In the Budget speech of July 2019, I had stated that “annadata” can be “urjadata” too.

The PM-KUSUM scheme removed farmers’ dependence on diesel and kerosene and linked pump sets to solar energy.

Now, I propose to expand the scheme to provide 20 lakh farmers for setting up stand-alone solar pumps; further we shall also help another 15 lakh farmers

solarise their grid-connected pump sets. In addition, a scheme to enable farmers to set up solar power generation capacity on their fallow/barren lands and to sell it to the grid would be operationalized.

23 (4). Our government shall encourage balanced use of all kinds of

fertilizers including the traditional organic and other innovative fertilizers. This is a necessary step to change the prevailing incentive regime, which encourages excessive use of chemical fertilisers.

23 (5). India has an estimated capacity of 162 million MT of agriwarehousing, cold storage, reefer van facilities etc. NABARD will undertake an exercise to map and geo-tag them. In addition, we propose creating  warehousing, in line with Warehouse Development and Regulatory  Authority (WDRA) norms. Our government will provide Viability Gap Funding for setting up such efficient warehouses at the block/taluk level. This can be achieved, where States can facilitate with land and are on a PPP mode.

Food Corporation of India (FCI) and Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) shall undertake such warehouse building on their land too.

23 (6). As a backward linkage, a Village Storage scheme is proposed to be run by the SHGs. This will provide farmers a good holding capacity and reduce their logistics cost. Women, SHGs shall regain their position as “Dhaanya Lakshmi”.

23 (7). To build a seamless national cold supply chain for perishables, inclusive of milk, meat and fish, the Indian Railways will set up a “Kisan Rail” – through PPP arrangements. There shall be refrigerated coaches in Express  and Freight trains as well.

23 (8). Krishi Udaan will be launched by the Ministry of Civil Aviation on international and national routes. This will immensely help improve value   realisation especially in North-East and tribal districts.

23 (9). Horticulture sector with its current produce of 311million MT

exceeds production of food grains. For better marketing and export, we propose supporting States which, adopting a cluster basis, will focus on “one product one district”.

23 (10). Integrated farming systems in rainfed areas shall be expanded. Multi-tier cropping, bee-keeping,  solar pumps, solar energy production in non-cropping season will be added.

Zero-Budget Natural Farming  (mentioned in July 2019 budget) shall also be included.

The portal on “jaivik kheti” – online national organic products market will also be strengthened.

23 (11). Financing on Negotiable Warehousing Receipts (e-NWR) has crossed more than`6000 crore. This will be integrated with e-NAM.

23 (12). Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs)and cooperatives are active in the agriculture credit space. The NABARD re-finance scheme will be further expanded. Agriculture credit target for the year 2020-21 has been set at ` 15 lakh crore. All eligible beneficiaries of PM-KISAN will be covered under the KCC scheme.

23 (13). Our government intends to eliminate Foot and Mouth disease, brucellosis in cattle and also peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in sheep and goat by 2025. Coverage of artificial insemination shall be increased from the present 30% to 70%.

MNREGS would be dovetailed to develop fodder farms.

Further, we shall facilitate doubling of milk processing capacity from 53.5 million MT to 108 million MT by 2025.

23 (14). Blue Economy: Our government proposes to put in place a

framework for development, management and conservation of marine fishery resources.

23 (15). Youth in coastal areas benefit through fish processing and

marketing. By 2022-23, I propose raising fish production to 200 lakh

tonnes. Growing of algae, sea-weed and cage Culture will also be promoted. Our government will involve youth in fishery extension through 3477 Sagar Mitras and 500 Fish Farmer Producer Organisations. We hope to raise fishery exports to ` 1 lakh crore by 2024-25.

23 (16). Under Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana for alleviation of poverty, 58 lakh SHGs have been mobilised. We shall further expand on SHGs.

24. Now, for the fund allocation for the 16 different steps mentioned above, they are being stated under two different categories: For the sector comprising of Agriculture and allied activities, Irrigation and Rural Development an allocation of about ` 2.83 lakh crore has been made for the year 2020-21 . Its divided, inter-alia;

For Agriculture, Irrigation & allied activities – ` 1.60 lakh crore

For Rural development & Panchayati Raj – ` 1.23 lakh crore

38 (1). It is proposed to attach a medical college to an existing district hospital in PPP mode. Those states that fully allow the facilities of the hospital to the medical college and wish to provide land at a concession, would be able to receive Viability Gap Funding. Details of the scheme would be worked out.

40. Entrepreneurship has always been the strength of India. Even today, young men and women have given up greener pastures elsewhere to contribute to India’s growth. They are risk-taking and come up with disruptive solutions to festering challenges. Equally, established old industries are resetting themselves in a changing global and domestic situation. We recognise the knowledge, skills and risk-taking capabilities of our youth. He is no longer the job seeker. He is creator of jobs. Now we wish to create more opportunities and remove road-blocks from his path.

I propose to set up an Investment Clearance Cell that will provide

“end to end” facilitation and support, including pre-investment advisory, information related to land banks and facilitate clearances at Centre and   State level. It will work through a portal.

41. There is a case for maximising the benefits of three separately

developing economic activities: (1) the upcoming economic corridors; (2) revitalisation of manufacturing activities; and (3) Technology and thedemands of aspirational classes. We have to benefit from their convergence. Hence, it is proposed to develop five new smart cities in collaboration with States in PPP mode. Such sites would be chosen that offer the best choices in terms of aforementioned principles.

42. India needs to manufacture Networked products. That will make it a part of global value chains. This in turn gets more investment and generates more employment for our youth.

45. To achieve higher export credit disbursement, a new scheme, NIRVIK is being launched, which provides for higher insurance coverage, reduction in premium for small exporters and simplified procedure for claim settlements.

47. It is the vision of the Prime Minister that each District should develop as an export hub. Efforts of the Centre and State governments are being synergised and institutional mechanisms are being created.

48. Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is moving ahead for creating a Unified Procurement System in the country for providing a single platform for procurement of goods, services and works. It offers a great opportunity for Medium, Small and micro Enterprises(MSMEs). 3.24 lakh vendors are already on this platform. Its proposed to take its turnover to ` 3lakh crores.I propose to provide about ` 27,300 crore for development and promotion of Industry and Commerce for the year 2020-21. Under the theme “Economic Development”, the second focus is on Infrastructure.

49. Hon’ble Speaker, Sir, in his Independence Day speech 2019, Prime Minister had highlighted that ` 100 lakh crore would be invested on infrastructure over the next 5 years.

As a follow up measure, I had launched the National Infrastructure Pipeline on 31st December 2019 of ` 103 lakh crore. It consists of more than 6500 projects across sectors and are classified as per their size and stage of development. These new projects will include housing, safe drinking water, access to clean and affordable energy, healthcare for all, world-class educational institutes, modern railway stations, airports, bus terminals, metro and railway transportation, logistics and warehousing, irrigation projects, etc.

The National Infrastructure Pipeline envisions improving the ease of living for each individual citizen in the country. It’s also will bring in generic and sectoral reforms in development, operation and maintenance of these infrastructure projects.

A huge employment opportunity exists for India’s youth in construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure. National Skill Development Agency will give special thrust to infrastructure-focused skill development opportunities.

50 (1). I propose to set up a project preparation facility for infrastructure projects. This programme would actively involve young engineers, management graduates and economists from our Universities.

50 (2). It is also proposed to direct all infrastructure agencies of the

government to involve youth-power in start-ups. They will help in rolling out value added services in quality public infrastructure for citizens.

51. A National Logistics Policy will be released soon. Inter alia; it will

clarify the roles of the Union Government, State Governments and key regulators. It will create a single window e-logistics market and focus ongeneration of employment, skills and making MSMEs competitive.

56. Inland Waterways received a boost in the last five years. The Jal

Vikas Marg on National Waterway-1 will be completed. Further, the 890 Km Dhubri-Sadiya connectivity will be done by 2022. Developingwaterways has its impact on the eco-system on both the

banks of the river. Our Prime Minister has conceptualised “Arth Ganga”. Plans are afoot to energise economic activity along river banks.

57. Air traffic has been growing rapidly in the country as compared to global average. One hundred more airports would be developed by 2024 to support Udaan scheme. It is expected that the air fleet number shall go up from the present 600 to 1200 during this time.

62. It is now a cliché – “data is the new oil” and it is true that Analytics, Fintech and Internet of Things (IOT) are changing the way we deal with our lives. To take advantage of this, I propose:

62 (1). To bring out soon a policy to enable private sector to build Data Centre parks throughout the country. It will enable our firms to skillfully incorporate data in every step of their value chains.

62 (2). Our vision is that all “public institutions” at Gram Panchayat level such as Anganwadis, health and wellness centres, government schools, PDS outlets, post offices and police stations will be provided with digital connectivity. So, Fibre to the Home (FTTH) connections through Bharatnet will link 100,000 gram panchayats this year.

63. We need to expand the base for knowledge-driven enterprises. Intellectual property creation and protection will play an important role. Several measures are proposed in this regard, which will benefit the Startups.

63 (1). A digital platform would be promoted that would facilitate seamless application and capture of IPRs. Also, in an Institute of Excellence, a Centre would be established that would work on the complexity and innovation in the field of Intellectual Property.

63 (2). Knowledge Translation Clusters would be set up across different technology sectors including new and emerging areas.

63 (3). For designing, fabrication and validation of proof of concept, and further scaling up Technology Clusters, harbouring such test beds and small scale manufacturing facilities would be established.

63 (4). Mapping of India’s genetic landscape is critical for next generation medicine, agriculture and for bio-diversity management. To support this development, we will initiate two new national level Science Schemes, to create a comprehensive database.

63 (5). The government proposes to provide early life funding, including a seed fund to support ideation and development of early stage Start-ups.

66. Health of mother and child are closely corelated. Nutrition is the

critical component of health. To improve the nutritional status of children (0-6 years), adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers, our Prime Minister launched a “Poshan Abhiyan” in 2017-18. More than six lakh anganwadi workers are equipped with smart phones to upload the nutritional status of more than 10 crore households. The scale of these developments is unprecedented.

77. In September 2019, the Prime Minister has launched the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) with its Secretariat in Delhi. Thisglobal partnership is the second such international initiative after thelaunch of International Solar Alliance in 2015. This Global Partnership willhelp in addressing a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as also the aims of Sendai framework. It will enhance climate change adaptation with a focus on disaster resilient infrastructure

78. India submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution, under the Paris Agreement in 2015 on a “best effort” basis, keeping in mind the development imperative of the country. Its implementation effectively begins on 1st January 2021. Our commitments as action will be executed in various sectors by the Departments/Ministries concerned through thenormal budgeting process.

79. There are yet, thermal power plants that are old and their carbon emission levels are high. For such power plants, we propose that utilities running them would be advised to close them, if their emission is above the pre-set norms. The land so vacated can be put to alternative use.

80. In large cities having population above one million, clean air is a

matter of concern. The government proposes to encourage such States that are formulating and implementing plans for ensuring cleaner air in cities above one million. Parameters for the incentives would be notified by theMinistry of Environment, Forests and Climate change. Allocation for this purpose is `4400 crore for 2020-21.

98(2). Working capital credit remains a major issue for the MSMEs. It is proposed to introduce a scheme to provide subordinate debt for entrepreneurs of MSMEs. This subordinate debt to be provided by banks would count as quasi-equity and would be fully guaranteed through the Credit Guarantee Trust for Medium and Small Entrepreneurs (CGTMSE). The corpus of the CGTMSE would accordingly be augmented by the government.