12th March 2025

Hassel free Railway connection to Hassan /Mangalore from Tumkur District-Multiple attempts –None is happenings

Multiple attempts has  been  made right from the year 1996, to get the  sanction to the project –Bye pass line, hassle free important small link Tiptur-Dudda  bye pass railway line  to enable  for connectivity to the NMPT Mangalore from the areas of Tumkur District, Bangalore Rural District, part of Chitradurga District and Royal Seema Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Even once present Hon’ble Vice President Sri Venkaiah Naiduji, raised the issue in the   Rajya sabha  as upper house member on 3/7/1998.. So also .Loka sabha Dy. Speaker Late S.Mallikarjunaiah was also very much interest regarding this project happening. Sri G.S.Basavaraj MP Tumkur right from his previous term, taking this issue with the then Hon’b’e Minister of State for Raiwlays sri K.H.Muniyappa and subsequent Railway ministers.

Two models focused to provide hassle free through connectivity to Arasikere –Hassan line from Tumkur-Tiptur –Arasikere Rly line corridor initiated to get  one of the two  proposals .now discussed .

 [a]  New Bye pass line concept just outer of Arasikere junction to inter connect Arasikere –Hassan rly line &Tumkur-Tiptur corridor

[b] Tiptur – Dudda bye pass line

 Tracing the efforts for this line, Sri G.S.Basavaraj has made several correspondence in this regard to happen very important link line, just to have small link-with new proposed Tiptur – Dudda bye pass line about 35kms to connect Arasikere-Hassan Line at Dudda . For this project even though the project survey conducted in the year 1997.as per Rly Board letter no. 96/w1/LcT/S/1 dated 14/8/96 and again Updating this project survey again took place in 2014-15 vide Rly Budget blue Book vide item No.27,but  not secured green signal with reason that this project  did not have  the required value of ROR as per Feasibility report prepared by the consultants. On going through the feasibility report prepared by the consultant, he has not studied the impact of developments of Tumkur Industrial Node, New up coming HAL near Gubbi, Tumkur Machine Tool Company Cluster, Japanese Industrial Village under Chennai- Bangalore-Chitradurga Industrial corridor [CBCIC]. This aspect was also brought to the notice of Railway Ministry by the Sri G.S.Basavaraj. MP Tumakuru.and requested for re look in to the  PET survey report.                                                  

AS an alternate as the  survey report prepared in the year 1996 could not move, the Sri Basavaraj MP Tumkur,  moved another option for construction of Bye pass line to connect Tumkur-Arasikere line and Arasikere-Hassan  line just outer of Arasikere junction., as this  can be implemented with meager amount.. By putting pressure on then Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways Sri KH. Muniyappa ji and got approved and got included in the Railway Budget for the year 2010-11. The details of sanction is  as under –

To provide direct access to the Arasikere –Hassan Railway Line  from Tumkur-Arasikere railway line and to avoid change of direction of Power[Engine ] at Arasikere Railway Yard, SWR –Mysore Division  included the  construction of Bye- pass line  connecting  both Tumkur-Arasikere line and Arasikere-Hassan Line  This was sanctioned  and included in the PINK Book right from 2010 under caption Track Facilities –Yard remodeling  &Others Item NO 46 and project ID N0 being 14.03.1608/1.330.00 for Rs 8.13 crs.  And few lakhs of amounts already spent and further no progress is sen. This works was also included in the Pink book for2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14.

As the  bye pass line capital  work discussed in the above paragraph is  already approved and included in the Railway Budget passed in every year at Parliament right from the 20010–11 to 2013-14, and exhibited under PINK BOOK every year and it  will exhibits  that some amount is also been incurred. .Hence, it will be fair that the Railway Ministry need to implement & has to give immediate directions to the construction wing SWR and DRM SWR MYSORE for happening this small capex work which will bring additional Freight revenue in context of the new industrial investments developments and will provide direct Rail service connectivity to Tumkur,Gubbi & Tipur Tqs with Hassan Mangalore .

This Bye pass line will give total logistic solution to the up coming at Tumkur NIMZ /Industrial Node -containing combination of Production units, public Utilities, Logistic Hub with container Roll on –Roll Off model facilities and also volume business through Iron ore shipping from Tumakuru district to NMPT Mangalore.Japanese Industrial Township and Industrial Node under Chennai-Bangalore-chitradurga Industrial corridor is also coming up in the District is added advantage..This will provide hassle free port connectivity access to the NMPT from proposed Dry port Tumkur-NIMZ, where Mega Logistic Park/Freight village   is also planned. But pity is that, much important hassle free mobility infrastructure Bye pass line is not happening.

T.R.Raghothama Rao